XMC Format

The XMC format represents the totality of XMC's own formats to represent data on the filesystem.


A grader, in the XMC format, is a source code file with the filename of the form gradername.ext, where gradername is the unique name of the grader, and ext is the programming language-specific file extension.


The following file is a grader named simplegrader written in C:


#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    printf("This grader is pretty dumb\n");

    return 0;


A dataset is represented as a directory whose filename is the unique name of the dataset, in which there is a dataset.yaml file that contains dataset metadata, and a directory named testcases which contains the test files of the dataset.

The testcases directory holds for each test case two files: an input file, for example test1.in, and an output file, test1.out. The format of the filename is test#.in/test#.ok, where # is the number of the test case. The case numbering must start from 1 and they all must be consecutive.

The dataset.yaml file has the following structure:

description: Some dataset description
grader_name: example_grader
memory_limit: 1024
time_limit: 1.23s

The dataset.yaml file must be a valid YAML file. The memory limit is expressed in bytes as an integer and the time limit is a string that follows Go's library function time.ParseDuration. In short, it is a sequence of integers each with an optional fraction and a unit suffix. Unit suffixes are "ns", "us", "ms", "s", "m", "h".


The following dataset is named permutations_easy.

├── dataset.yaml
└── testcases
    ├── test10.in
    ├── test10.ok
    ├── test1.in
    ├── test1.ok
    ├── test2.in
    ├── test2.ok
    ├── test3.in
    ├── test3.ok
    ├── test4.in
    ├── test4.ok
    ├── test5.in
    ├── test5.ok
    ├── test6.in
    ├── test6.ok
    ├── test7.in
    ├── test7.ok
    ├── test8.in
    ├── test8.ok
    ├── test9.in
    └── test9.ok

1 directory, 21 files


description: Easy difficulty tests for permutation problem.
grader_name: basic_grader
memory_limit: 8192
time_limit: 0.45s


A task is a directory with its filename being the unique name of the task. The directory contains only a task.yaml file that contains the details of the task.

The task.yaml has the following structure:

description: Some task description
dataset_name: example_dataset
input_file: problem.in
output_file: problem.out
task_list_name: some_task_list

The file must be a valid YAML file. The input file and output file can be set to stdin and stdout respectively.


The following task is named addition.

└── task.yaml

0 directories, 1 file


description: Simple addition
dataset_name: addition.1
input_file: addition.in
output_file: addition.out
task_list_name: archive

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